NSW Road Safety Plan 2021 – Towards Zero

road safety - lawyer Byron Bay

Lofty Ideals, Policy Potholes & Local Licences “Tough on crime”, “the War on Drugs”, and now….. “Towards Zero”: the latest rhetoric to metamorphosis into policy.  So commendable is this policy principle, we invite you with us, to look behind the rhetoric, examine the details, and the impact these will have on day-to-day lives of drivers. […]

5 Things To Do if you’ve been charged with drink or drug driving offence

Drink Drug Driving Lawyer Help

  1. Don’t leave it too late to decide if you want the services of a lawyer A good result, in ANY court matter, is all about the preparation – and the more time you have, the better prepared you will be.  For example, you will need great references that support your submissions; and to […]

Driving with the presence of cannabis or amphetamine in an oral fluid sample

drug offence lawyer

This is colloquially known as a “s111 offence”, because that’s the section of the Roads Transport Act that renders driving with the presence of a drug, in your saliva, an offence.  But not any drug…… read on. The mobile drug testing (“MDT”) units are limited to testing only for cannabis (pot, weed, green, hash, mull, […]